Don’t be a fool, PlanetshakersInsider

   Has con-man Mikey Guglielmucci, his empty-headed wife, Planetsnakers, EDGE Church, $piritual AOG/ACC Executive, incestuous AOG ‘Church-Bank, won the war?? 

  With PlanetshakersInsider accepting ‘lay down misere’ surrender terms from the ACC Executive, it appears so.

  Has he/she also fallen in love with money & travel & meeting psycophantic  ‘YES-MEN’?  (psychophantic= psychology + sycophant).

   Congrats on your $8,000 conference.  ~Pastor Michael Cancer will be very pleased!~

    It is a sad day when one of the Pentecostal thinkers (needle in a haystack) contemplates giving up criticism.  There is so much to do to expose what is a  festering and influential sore inside the Australian Church.

You are a whistleblower.  You are needed.  Your talents are not wasted.  Other thinkers – now and in future – depend on access to QUALITY  information.


Cogito, ergo sum  (I think, therefore I am|| Je pense donc je suis – Rene Descartes)