Comment by Ruby James

Comment by Ruby James on post  “Brian Houston visits Planetshakers”

 I thank God that there are people who still believe in repentance, humility, reverence, honesty. This prosperity gospel is so wicked, so destructive. And if you question it, you’re thrown out. Yes, once the gospel was free, but to find Christ cost you everything. Now, it just costs you money, but you don’t have to lay anything else at the altar of God according to them, you just have to focus on money. The love of money is the root of all evil.
Note,   Ruby James is  -NOT-  referring to the man who sang a Hillsong/Planetshakers hit song when he and his allies in super-size-me ($$$) Church growth had cancer followed by amnesia.

Don’t be a fool, PlanetshakersInsider

   Has con-man Mikey Guglielmucci, his empty-headed wife, Planetsnakers, EDGE Church, $piritual AOG/ACC Executive, incestuous AOG ‘Church-Bank, won the war?? 

  With PlanetshakersInsider accepting ‘lay down misere’ surrender terms from the ACC Executive, it appears so.

  Has he/she also fallen in love with money & travel & meeting psycophantic  ‘YES-MEN’?  (psychophantic= psychology + sycophant).

   Congrats on your $8,000 conference.  ~Pastor Michael Cancer will be very pleased!~

    It is a sad day when one of the Pentecostal thinkers (needle in a haystack) contemplates giving up criticism.  There is so much to do to expose what is a  festering and influential sore inside the Australian Church.

You are a whistleblower.  You are needed.  Your talents are not wasted.  Other thinkers – now and in future – depend on access to QUALITY  information.


Cogito, ergo sum  (I think, therefore I am|| Je pense donc je suis – Rene Descartes)